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Rent Water

Rent Water

The District provides an irrigation water rental program for landowners within our district boundary. It's important to us that the water within our boundaries is used beneficially. If you have water that you are not using, you can lease this water back to the District and we will, in turn, rent it out to landowners who need it. Leasing water in or out is on an annual basis, even if the property is sold mid-season.

Want to rent water in? New renters need at least 2.5 acres and lease at least one (1) Miner's Inch for the entire year. Adjacent parcels can apply together to meet the requirements. It costs the regular assessment rate  plus a small processing fee per Miner's Inch. If multiple parcels rent together, a water covenant and agreement will also need to be recorded with the Yakima County Auditor's Office. We currently have a moratorium on additional water rentals in Lateral No. 3 due to capacity. Contact Us to see what options are available to you, as there are a few other considerations. 

Want to rent water out? If you're not planning to use some or all of your irrigation allotment, you can get money back! You need to rent out at least one (1) Miner's Inch and be current on your assessments. Payments are the current assessment rate minus a small processing fee per parcel. Checks are mailed out in early May, provided that the first half of your property taxes for the year have been paid.

Sign up by the end of February to participate that calendar year.